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Crossing Pirate Alley by Boat - Yemen to Somaliland

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Название :  Crossing Pirate Alley by Boat - Yemen to Somaliland
Продолжительность :  
Пользователь :  Adam Valen Levinson
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Комментарии к видео Crossing Pirate Alley by Boat - Yemen to Somaliland

That's my flag beautiful flag mashallah somaliland ❤ 🌷 🌷 🌷 ✊
Комментарий от : @Hooda36

LOOOOOOOLL almost all the people who are on the boat are not even sSOMALI i can hear the speaking swahili with Tanzanian accent. WHY ARE THE HIJACKING MY RACE LOOOL
Комментарий от : @blinktwice25

3:02 are you chewing Jad?
Комментарий от : @MrAzizVEVO

viva somaliland
Комментарий от : @MoShine

somaliland is from arab from saudia and yemen but somalia is part of african and indians other shit race i don't where they come from
Комментарий от : @danielmohamoud8887

lool somaliland is somaliland keep dreaming of so called somalia the shit state the failed state the al shabab and qaeda state !!!
Комментарий от : @danielmohamoud8887

I was born in north somalia no such thing as somaliland
Комментарий от : @Abdi-libaax

Somalia an arab state? since fucking when? Just because we are muslims? dumb comment
Комментарий от : @Abdi-libaax

How does dividing yourself from your people show the world that you are not savages? :/
Комментарий от : @prosperityx3

Комментарий от : @Abdirahmanhaji

look at these somaliland haters, were gone. deal with it.
Комментарий от : @ridwan-lo6jb

The int'l community still lumps the province Somaliland in with Somalia proper and refuses to recognize them (no passports, very little UN aid, etc) as a separate country. But travel is far easier to Somaliland, with its own government and visas and far stronger rule of law. That there are cool things and awesome people (hopefully) serves to complicate the picture of Somalia and its diverse provinces/secessionist regions. It's more than just Mogadishu! But for now all the pieces are "Somalia".
Комментарий от : @AdamValenLevinson

you mean somalia?
Комментарий от : @somrazy3

ahh, ok. good to know that. anyway, this so called pirate alley really is a dangerous place to be. specially to caucasians and worse if they know your're an american. you will be like a magnet to them (pirates). just take precautions whenever you sail on their seas. have a nice day bud.
Комментарий от : @grajeboys

Haha... I've been to Africa... A bad part too my friend... I'm also dealing with horrible areas in the southside of Chicago... where you can get the same damn thing (or worse). Yes Americans are frowned upon. But why would you care?? We are all people of the world... You wouldn't be curious if you didn't venture out there.
Комментарий от : @001petera

yeah, you are absolutely right, who cares about gov't policies, they always says that. not until they are kidnapped for a ransum and being scheduled for execution by the "knife". i already spent 15 years in the middleast, Buddy. and opsss, i have seen the world by the way.
Комментарий от : @grajeboys

If you were that damn afraid of things.. why would you even consider stepping out of your house?? Who cares about gov't policies!!! Grow some kahunas buddy!! See the world!
Комментарий от : @001petera

you travel on this part of the world, get yourself kidnapped, and expect your gov't to send the special forces to free you from your kidnappers on the expence of tax payer's money.... nice.
Комментарий от : @grajeboys

Good question — I guess you'll have to wait for the book :) Curiosity mostly, and the desire to find west-middle east connections in a time we all tend to forget that people are just people, and generally pretty cool people. (More stories on my site, see above.)
Комментарий от : @AdamValenLevinson

What's missing here is the purpose of your travel. So why All the troubles man? Why did you go to that part of the world?
Комментарий от : @GUJIIZ

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